Elixirs for the health of teeth

Approved by NatureBio Dental

Crystal Elixirs are not medicines and are not a substitute for medical advice and medication.

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17,59 €

Teeth : All

Action: Soothes, against anxiety and stress

Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 15 - 25- 35 - 45
Psycho-emotional symbolism: Inconsistency between who we are (15-25) and what we express about ourselves in our lives. Inconsistency between what we want (35-45) and what we actually have in our daily life.
Action: Increases coherence in one's life, makes it more fluid and brings joy. Increases the ability to see what is good for oneself.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 16-26
Psycho-emotional Symbolism: Affirmation of who I am, both in the family (26) and in the professional and social spheres (16)
Action: Help to say "this is who I am and I want to uphold it".

Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 13 - 23 - 33 - 43
Psycho-emotional Symbolism: Teeth for decision making, they help the passage to action.
Action: 13: decision to be oneself at the professional level. 23: being oneself in one's personal life. 33: decision to have what you want in your personal life. 43: decision to have what you want in your professional life.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth : All

Action: Against negative thoughts

Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 14 - 24
Psycho-emotional Symbolism: Who am I in my personal, family (24); social and professional life (14)
Action: Help in clarifying one's values, one's identity. Being oneself is the only solution.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 22-32
Psycho-emotional symbolism: 22: image that our mother or our female reference has shown us of what a woman is 32: image that our mother or our female reference has shown us of what a woman does
Action: Accepting one's feminine part, breaking harmful links with the mother or female references.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 17-27-37-47
Psycho-emotional symbolism: These teeth tell us about the relationship in the eyes of others. What place we leave in our lives with regard to others. We are and we do according to others
Action: Alleviates fear of the other, fear of judgement, facilitates the ability to say, which releases strong emotions.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 11-21
Psycho-emotional symbolism: I respect who I am, my masculine (11) my feminine (21).
Action: Sensation of freedom, respect for one's being, for one's personality. Allows one to free oneself from the parental model.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 36-46
Psycho-emotional symbolism: Affirmation of what I want, ability to say what I want both in the family (36) and professional (46) spheres.
Action: Provides inner strength, powerful will, optimism.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 12-42
Psycho-emotional symbolism: 12: image that our father or our male reference showed us of what a man is. 42: image that our father or our male reference showed us of what a man does.
Action: Accepting one's masculine side, breaking harmful bonds with the father or male references.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 31-41
Psycho-emotional symbolism: Teeth of the father (41) of the mother (31) with their roles and responsibilities, their ability to complement each other.
Action: Helps to take one's place in the family, optimises assimilation.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth : All

Action: Support for general sanitation, self-healing force. 

Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 18-28-38-48
Psycho-emotional symbolism: These are connections to the laws of the universe.
Action: Allows more lucidity in one's spiritual approach. Soothes, brings inner calm. Dissipates the fear linked to a dental treatment.
Bottle of 30ml

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17,59 €

Teeth: 34-44
Psycho-emotional symbolism: Clarification of what I want in my personal (34) and professional life (44)
Action :Provides inner fulfilment for the achievement of one's goals. Promotes intellectual life.
Bottle of 30ml