The 25 elixir gems

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18,46 €

Color : light blue 
Chemical element : aluminium, beryllium, chromium.
Meridians : kidneys, bladder.
Chakras : throat, 3rd eye.
Physical action : stimulates the endocrine system, acid-base balance
Emotional action : cases of severe stress, anviety, nervousnes.

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18,46 €

Color : blue-green.
Chemical element : selenium, nickel, iron, cobalt.
Meridians : kidneys, bladder.
Chakras : sacral, throat.
Physical action : anti-aging action, reinforces the ENT system
Emotional action : helps communication, the psychotherapists' best friend

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : mauve, purple.
Chemical element : silicon, iron, manganese.
Meridians : kidney, bladder, heart, SanJiao.
Chakras : navel, 3rd eye.
Physical action : renews energy in between seasons, potentiates detoxification 
Emotional action : nervous stability, addiction problems

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18,46 €

Color : brown
Chemical element : calcium, aluminum.
Meridians : Governor Vessel and Directing Vessel.
Chakras : root, navel, heart. 
Physical action : all physical trauma, stimulates calcification
Emotional action : burnout, nervous anxiety

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18,46 €

Color : yellow, brown 
Chemical chemistry : silicon
Meridians : spleen/pancreas, stomach
Chakras : navel, heart. 
Physical action : detoxification, liver and kidney drainage
Emotional action : stimulates self-healing powers, eliminates destructive thoughts

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : yellow, multicolored 
Chemical chemistry : copper, iron.
Meridians : spleen/pancreas, stomach, Governor Vessel
Chakras : sacral, navel, 3rd eye. 
Physical action : anti-infectious, reinforces the genital-urinary system
Emotional action : evacuation of old problems.

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : pale yellow, orange.
Chemical element : silicon 
Meridians : stomach, spleen/pancreas, Governor Vessel
Chakras : sacral, navel. 
Physical action : stimulates liver and pancreas functions, drains the body toxins
Emotional action : chronic depression, stimulates the mind and memory problems.

Flacon de 30ml

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Rock crystal

18,46 €

Color : transparent.
Chemical element : silicon
Meridians : all
Chakras : all 
Physical action : powerful cell regenerator, potentiates all treatments
Emotional action : stimulates the healing process, burnout

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Rock crystal 60ml

32,24 €

Couleur : transparent. 
Méridiens : tous. 
Chakras : tous. 
Actions : potentialise toute action,  tonique, énergie, dynamisme, clarté mentale

Flacon de 60ml

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18,46 €

Color : green
Chemical element : aluminum, beryllium.
Meridians : lungs, liver, gall bladder. 
Chakra : cardiac
Physical action : chronic skin problems, harmonizes blood circulation
Emotional action : fast acting emergency remedy for emotional shocks, anti-stress

Flacon de 30ml

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Emerald 60ml

32,24 €

Couleur : vert.
Méridiens : poumons, foie, vésicule biliaire. 
Chakra : cœur. 
Actions : élixir énergétique de secours contre les chocs émotionnels, le stress

Flacon de 60ml

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Emerald spray

10,11 €

Color : green.
Méridiens : poumons, foie, vésicule biliaire. 
Chakra : cœur. 
Actions : élixir énergétique de secours contre les chocs émotionnels, le stress
Spray de 15ml

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18,46 €

Color : green
Chemical element : calcium.
Meridians : liver, gall bladder.
Chakras : cardiac, 3rd eye.
Physical action : stimulates the assimilation of minerals, helps get through menopause
Emotional action : for people who get bogged down in details, dissipates anxiety

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18,46 €

Color : red
Chemical element : aluminum, iron. 
Meridians : heart, Pericardium Meridian, small intestine, SanJiao.
Chakra : root 
Physical action : stimulates the libido, major fatigue and anemia
Emotional action : strengthens the personality, gives strong will power

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18,46 €

Color : white 
Chemical element : zinc.
Meridians : gall bladder, liver, bladder, stomach.
Chakras : solar plexus, throat, 3rd eye. 
Physical action : stimulates the immune reaction, fights cell degeneration
Emotional action : seasonal depression, combats somatization 

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : purple pink.
Chemical element : aluminum, lithium. 
Meridians : bladder, kidneys, heart, Pericardium Meridian.
Chakra : cardiac.
Physical action : stimulates cerebral circulation, diuretic action
Emotional action : combats depression, hyper-emotiveness, emotional suffering.

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : dark brown with blue and green highlights. 
Chemical element : sodium, calcium.
Meridians : Governor Vessel and Directing Vessel.
Chakras : root, navel, heart.
Physical action : combats insomnia
Emotional action : carer's elixir, for giving your whole self while remaining protected

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : indigo blue.
Chemical element : aluminum, sodium, sulfur.
Meridians : kidneys, bladder.
Chakras : throat, 3rd eye. 
Physical action : regulates sleeps cycles, capillary and skin problems
Emotional action : mental fatigue, shyness, nervousness. Eases communication
Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : black.
Chemical element : iron.
Meridians : Governor Vessel and Directing Vessel. 
Chakra : root. 
Physical action : protects from and removes electromagnetic pollution.
Emotional action : carer's elixir, gives inner strength

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : green
Chemical element : copper.
Meridians : liver, gall bladder
Chakras : navel, heart. 
Physical action : pain reliever, winter infections, anti-oxidative
Emotional action : intellectual fatigue, oppression

Flacon de 30ml

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Rose Quartz

18,46 €

Color : pink
Chemical element : silicon.
Meridians : heart, Pericardium Meridian.
Chakra : heart.
Physical action : harmonizes the blood circulation, strengthens children's metabolism
Emotional action : the elixir for disturbed or nervous children and adolescents. Soothing

Flacon de 30ml

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Rutilated quartz

18,46 €

Color : reddish brown.
Chemical element : iron, silicon.
Meridians : Governor Vessel and Directing Vessel, lungs.
Chakras : root, sacral, heart. 
Physical action : strengthens the lungs, stimulates the immune reaction. 
Emotional action : relieves major anxiety, affirmation of the personailty

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : pink 
Chemical element : manganese.
Meridians : heart, Pericardium Meridian, liver, gall bladder
Chakra : heart.
Physical action : help for menopause and male menopause, anti-allergy
Emotional action : waking in the night, mood problems, feeling of oppression

Flacon de 30ml

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18,46 €

Color : blue
Chemical element : aluminum.
Meridians : kidneys, bladder.
Chakras : throat, 3rd eye.
Physical action : stimulates cerebral circulation, improves vision
Emotional action : intense excitability, prevents nightmares

Flacon de 30ml

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Black Tourmaline

18,46 €

Color : black 
Chemical element : sodium, iron, aluminum, boron, silicon
Meridians : large intestine, kidneys,Governor Vessel and Directing Vessel.
Chakra : root.
Physical action : protection against electromagnetic pollution, stimulates energy
Emotional action : roots out childhood traum

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Elixir de Tourmaline verte

18,46 €

Color : green 
Chemical element : sodium, aluminum, lithium, boron, silicon 
Meridians : all.
Chakra : heart.
Physical action : harmonizes blood circulation, fortifies the heart
Emotional action : for broken relationships or loss of a loved one

Flacon de 30ml

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Elixir de Zéolite

18,46 €

Color : green
Chemical element : aluminium
Meridians : liver, gall bladder.
Chakra : heart.
Physical action : detoxification of heavy metals, strengthens the digestive system
Emotional action : late intellectual development in children, combats negative thoughts

Flacon de 30ml

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Elixir de Zircon

18,46 €

Color : red
Chemical element : zirconium.
Meridians : SanJiao 
Chakras : root, sacral.
Physical action : powerful energizer, sexual fatigue in men and women
Emotional action : difficulty protecting oneself, combats extreme lassitude

Flacon de 30ml