The 7 essential elixirs

Crystal Elixirs are not medicines and are not a substitute for medical advice and medication.


90,00 €
In the range of 25 gem elixirs, there are 7 essential gem elixirs:amethyst,citrine,rock crystal,emerald,garnet,lapis-lazuli, magnetite. 

To stimulate: Rock Crystal Elixir 
To soothe: Emerald Elixir 
Energizing rescue remedy: Emerald Elixir 
To relieve electromagnetic contamination: Magnetite Elixir<
ElixirPhysical ActionMental Action
Amethystregenerates energy between seasons, potentiates detoxificationrebalancing the nerves, addiction problems
Citrinestimulates the liver and pancreas, drains toxins from the bodychronique depression,stimulates the intellect and memory
Rock Crystalpotent, cellular regenerator, potentiates all treatmentsstimulates the healing process, mental exhaustion
Emeraldchronic skin problems, harmonizes the circulationenergizing rescue remedy in emotional shock, anti-stress
Garnetstimulates libido, extreme tiredness and anemiastrengthens personality, gives willpower
Lapis-lazuliregularizes sleep cycles, capillary and skin problemsmental fatigue, shyness, nerves. Facilitates communication
Magnétiteprotects from and removes electromagnetic contamination, cellular regeneratorcarers'elixirs,brings inner strengh